Why my Husband Quit his Job

family & home work Mar 04, 2019

There is often a vague big picture vision of things before they actually come to be. That’s been my experience anyway. The vision isn’t necessarily focused or clear. It doesn’t come with how to’s or money or guarantees.

But it does come with hope, and that’s what keeps you going in the fog.

For years I’ve been looking forward to this time in our lives. I’d originally only conceived it as a small seed idea in my mind (maybe my heart), and now it’s time to share it here on the blog – that my hubby Derek quit his job.

Ever since we had our second child, maybe even our first I can’t remember back, I’d brought up the idea of Derek staying home with the kids when I return to work. Always half joking with a “wouldn’t it be nice” flare to it.

We didn’t exactly know that we had the ability to actually make a plan like that come to fruition at that stage in our lives. We were both caught up in the...

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One year will go by……

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

H. Jackson Brown Junior

A New Year often brings a time for reflection and a time for planning. Do you make New Year resolutions? Whether you do or not it’s important to set goals.

You do not need to wait for a new year, new month, or even Monday to start a new challenge, but many do.

If you want to be in the Top 1% of achievers you need to set goals. I’m not talking about New Year resolutions saying half heartedly that you’ll hit the gym three times a week and then never step foot in it again after Jan 15th, or that you will pay of your credit card debt you stacked up from Christmas only to hit the biggest boxing week blowout because the deals were so good you couldn’t resist, I’m talking BHAGS! big, hairy,...

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