Another milestone in the bag…

family & home finance Nov 25, 2018

Okay so do you all want to talk about what we did for our 10th wedding anniversary? 10th! TENTH!! Huge right? That’s a whole decade of being married, what an accomplishment. Well, we have 4 young children, and so, like other days we came home and had a real fancy meal consisting of tacos (it was hockey night) and exchanged a few nice sentimental gifts. That’s true love my friends, doing real life with your person. It was perfect. That being said, when the weekend came we turned up the fancy to level 2, here we go. That weekend my mom happened to ask the kids over. Well 3/4 (we kept baby as she’s still EBF), so we decided to have our “anniversary dinner”. Hubby stopped by Costco (yes you read that right folks, Costco) on his way home and got a seafood dish we had been drooling over for months that just wasn’t in our budget. We paired it with his fave beer and a wine I’d been gifted and “voila” the perfect date!!! This sounds mighty simple and quite frankly it was, but for us it was perfect.We are both home bodies and enjoy many “date nights” in our home. You don’t have to have an extravagant outing with a large bill to foot to enjoy each other’s time and company and celebrate life’s small and big wins.

We were also fortunate to be gifted a little bubbly from a special new friend.

The hubs had a beautiful blanket made for me with some updated family pictures. It was spread on our sofa when I came down the morning of our anniversary after he had long left for work. He had some wine and a beautiful card set out beside it.

It was perfect! I’m feeling lucky in love and very blessed a whole decade (plus dating time) later. It really is what you make it folks. We are excited to see what the next 10 bring us ❤️


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